Lapkritis prabėgo kas vakarą pasodindamas mane prie darbinio stalo. Šiugždantys vokai su džiovintais augaliukais (vietiniais ir iš Lietuvos) tai atverdavo tai vėl užverdavo savo "snapelius". Klijai ištisą mėnesį pratūnojo "žemyn galva", kad greičiau galėčiau dar šį tą iš jų išspausti. Va taip viskas ir sugulė į atvirukus, kuriuos Amerikoje kažkodėl visi vadina kortelėmis. Dalis jų jau iškeliavo pas mano draugus ir klijentus. Bet archyvuose stengiuosi užmigdyti kiekvieną savo darbą, nes jie man lyg vaikai. Gal todėl kiekvienas turi savo vardą. Juk sako, kam duodi vardą, prie to ir "prisiriši".
November evenings were passed in my little studio making pressed flowers cards. It’s an amazing time for me to express my passion. It’s my time to spend with my plants (some of, which are very special to me because they are sent from my mother and sister from my native homeland Lithuania. I then create unusual collages. My Winter Worries collection cards got their names (you can find them on Cards Page), because they are my art babies and as real babies they are named the minute they are born…My favorite one? I love Conscience. It’s funny and very serious at the same time.
November evenings were passed in my little studio making pressed flowers cards. It’s an amazing time for me to express my passion. It’s my time to spend with my plants (some of, which are very special to me because they are sent from my mother and sister from my native homeland Lithuania. I then create unusual collages. My Winter Worries collection cards got their names (you can find them on Cards Page), because they are my art babies and as real babies they are named the minute they are born…My favorite one? I love Conscience. It’s funny and very serious at the same time.
Labai grazu!!!!!! Gal galima uzsisakyti ir pasikabinti ant sienos???