Baigiantis vasarai visuomet išaušta tokia viena diena, kai išėjus į lauką, su pirmu oro gurkšniu suprantu, kad jau atėjo ruduo. Toks buvo ir šis rytas. Sveikas, rudenėli. Einu pasitikti Tavo Spalvų...
Mano pirmoji Rugsėji pirmoji su sese Jūrate. 1975
My first September First with sister Jurate. 1975
No matter how far away I am from Lithuania, and it doesn’t matter how old I am, I will always remember September first-the most memorable day during my school years. Streets became alive with girl’s black (as perfect background) uniforms, autumn, and flowers for our teachers. Dahlias, gladioli, roses, carnations…The excitement of meeting classmates again after the summer. Do you remember the promise that you made for yourself that this year you will really going to do your homework thoroughly? A little bit nervous about whom you would sit next to?
As the end of summer arrives one day, with the first breeze of fresh air I embrace autumn’s arrival. That was this morning. Hello autumn! I am coming to meet your colors…