Metus apvainikuoja lietuviškos Šventos Kūčios. Po staltiese-saujos šieno...Taip turi būti. Taip mane mokė močiutė. Dvylika patiekalų ant stalo, o jį apsėda artimiausi man žmonės-šeima ir draugai. Mintimis nuskrieju į namus ir ten, užpustytoje Lietuvoje, matau, kaip JIE laužia Kalėdaitį linkėdami sveikatos ir sekmės. Ir aš su JUMIS, mano mielieji...
Lithuanian Christmas eve (Kūčios)is the last touch of the year. Handfuls of hay were laid under the tablecloth. This is tradition my grandmother told me about which she learned from her mother. Twelve dishes on the table, the family and closest friends around it. In my mind I'm back home, in the cold and snowbound Lithuania. I see how they share holy bread and wish each other health and luck in next year. I'm with you, my dearest family...

Brendu į pievą.../I'm wading into the meadow...
Brendu į pievą... O čia tiek augimo, žydėjimo, brendimo, siūbavimo, kvepėjimo, dalinimosi, byrėjimo. Užburia. Įkvepia. Pastūmėja. Priverčia įsiklausyti. Leidžia užsimiršti. Sveikas, žmogau, užklydęs į mano pievą...
I’m wading into the meadow....what growth, blooming, ripening, swaying, breathing, sharing, and spin offs to be found! It enchants. It inspires. It pushes you forward, forces you to listen, allows you to forget. Greetings, to you, who stumbled upon my meadow....
I’m wading into the meadow....what growth, blooming, ripening, swaying, breathing, sharing, and spin offs to be found! It enchants. It inspires. It pushes you forward, forces you to listen, allows you to forget. Greetings, to you, who stumbled upon my meadow....
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Gruodžio šlapias bučinys/Rainy December kiss
Jau tik dvi savaitės liko iki Šventų Kalėdų. Nebus jos, greičiausiai, nei baltos, nei užpustytos. Nepokšės tvoros nuo šalčio, negirgždės sniegas po praeivio kojomis. Tokios Kalėdos būdavo tik Lietuvoje. Anksčiau. O dabar? Dabar aš Seattle ir Šventos Kalėdos nors ir šlapios, nors ir plikomis medžių šakomis užmojuotos, bet visgi jos ateis. Ateis su šiluma širdyse, su gerų draugų apsilankymu, su meile. Laukit ir Jūs.
Only two weeks left until Christmas. I do not expect white snow behind my window and door. Christmas in Seattle usually rainy and cold. But...but it will come. Christmas will come with warmth and love in our harts, with best friends visits. Just wait for it.
Only two weeks left until Christmas. I do not expect white snow behind my window and door. Christmas in Seattle usually rainy and cold. But...but it will come. Christmas will come with warmth and love in our harts, with best friends visits. Just wait for it.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Gimtinė/My Motherland
Ruduo paliko mane. Vakar. Ir visai neliūdna, nes jis buvo pilnas spalvų, saulės, draugų, įdomių knygų. Jį apvainikavo kelionė į gimtinę, į Lietuvą. Tas keistas noras, kelionės metu užfiksuoti kuo daugiau detalių, pasiteisina. Dažnai, grįžus vėl po keletos metų, matai jau visai ką kitą. Visai kitos nuotraukos gula į albumus.
The fall is over. Just yesterday... No, I'm not sad. It was plenty of color and sunshine. Often, I have met with friends and read interesting books. I have visited my Motherland Lithuania. It is amazing that every time I go there I see new details I have never seen before. A plethora of pictures were taken, in attempt to capturing the beautiful moments of which will never be again. I know that during my next trip I'll find something absolutely different. And new pictures will be saved in my albums.
The fall is over. Just yesterday... No, I'm not sad. It was plenty of color and sunshine. Often, I have met with friends and read interesting books. I have visited my Motherland Lithuania. It is amazing that every time I go there I see new details I have never seen before. A plethora of pictures were taken, in attempt to capturing the beautiful moments of which will never be again. I know that during my next trip I'll find something absolutely different. And new pictures will be saved in my albums.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Šiandien varčiau "Artful Blogging" žurnalą ir akis užkliuvo už pyragų nuotraukos. Pagalvojau, kad ir aš kažkada, be jokio didelio tikslo, užfiksavau mano draugų mėgstamo torto "Iliuzija" gimimą. Na, gal ne visai jau detaliai procesas užfiksuotas, bet...Taigi, įmetu pasigrožėjimui. Dėl recepto kreipkitės asmeniškai. Cha!
I was reading "Artful Blogging" magazine today. So many good articles! So many good pictures. One of them-picture of delicious cake-caught my attention. It took just couple of minutes to look through my pictures and here you go: Nomeda's friend's favorite cake Illusion. I would love to share the recipe if you would like to try it, but for now- just few pictures. Enjoy!
I was reading "Artful Blogging" magazine today. So many good articles! So many good pictures. One of them-picture of delicious cake-caught my attention. It took just couple of minutes to look through my pictures and here you go: Nomeda's friend's favorite cake Illusion. I would love to share the recipe if you would like to try it, but for now- just few pictures. Enjoy!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Bobų vasaros belaukiant / Waiting for Indian summer
Ar tiek ir tebuvo tos vasaros? Ar tik tiek tos saulės ridinėjimosi žeme? Ar tik tiek tų vėjo išviliotų užuolaidų per atvirus langus? Ar tik tiek kelionių džiugesio? Ar tik tiek saldaus užsimiršimo? Tik tiek...
Ir vėl ruduo. Vėl noras kažką nuveiktą susumuoti, kažkam vėl ateinančiam pasiruošti, kažką pasižadėti. Kaip viskas vaikiškai kartais atrodo. Ir vėl gi...gera. Gera žinoti, kad mano gyvenime labai daug kas vyksta. Kad mano mama toli toli Lietuvoj džiaugiasi gladijolių baliumi, kad mano tėtis dar pilnas energijos raško dėžes uobolių nuo mūsų žėmaūgių obelaičių tenai, Mastaičiuose. Gera, kad mus aplankiusi sesės šeimyna dar kedena kelionės įspūdžius, kad iš visų vasarinių kelionų į Seattle sugrįžo artimaiusi draugai. Gera, kad vaikai kimba į mokslus ir mano mylimiausias žmogus dabar kažką labai susidomėjęs skaito...Už lango tiesiog iš proto kraustosi žydinčios chrizantemos ir ūbauja labai jau seniai girdėtas svetys-vėjas.
Dabar tik palauksiu, kad bobų vasara pakviestų miškų linkui...
Is this summer over? Only that much of sunshine? Only that much of happy traveling? Only that much of forgetfulness? Only that much... With autumn there's becoming a willingness to summarize something, to prepare for something, to promise something. Childish, right? Right...
And again...the good feeling of peace. It's so good to know, that far in my homeland Lithuania my Mom celebrating her birthday with a huge bucket of Gladiolus (we call it gladiolus party), that my Dad with a lot of energy is picking gorgeous apples from tiny apple trees, that my sister is still thinking about her trip to US and enjoys all the good memories, and that from all the different trips all my friends are back in town. My boys are back in school. The man who I love the most reading right now is something very important to him. Mums blooming by my window and strong wind dancing in the pine trees. Is that a blessing, or what?
I am still waiting for the Indian summer. I just need to get a hold of that beautiful color palette before the rainy winter...
Ir vėl ruduo. Vėl noras kažką nuveiktą susumuoti, kažkam vėl ateinančiam pasiruošti, kažką pasižadėti. Kaip viskas vaikiškai kartais atrodo. Ir vėl gi...gera. Gera žinoti, kad mano gyvenime labai daug kas vyksta. Kad mano mama toli toli Lietuvoj džiaugiasi gladijolių baliumi, kad mano tėtis dar pilnas energijos raško dėžes uobolių nuo mūsų žėmaūgių obelaičių tenai, Mastaičiuose. Gera, kad mus aplankiusi sesės šeimyna dar kedena kelionės įspūdžius, kad iš visų vasarinių kelionų į Seattle sugrįžo artimaiusi draugai. Gera, kad vaikai kimba į mokslus ir mano mylimiausias žmogus dabar kažką labai susidomėjęs skaito...Už lango tiesiog iš proto kraustosi žydinčios chrizantemos ir ūbauja labai jau seniai girdėtas svetys-vėjas.
Dabar tik palauksiu, kad bobų vasara pakviestų miškų linkui...
Is this summer over? Only that much of sunshine? Only that much of happy traveling? Only that much of forgetfulness? Only that much... With autumn there's becoming a willingness to summarize something, to prepare for something, to promise something. Childish, right? Right...
And again...the good feeling of peace. It's so good to know, that far in my homeland Lithuania my Mom celebrating her birthday with a huge bucket of Gladiolus (we call it gladiolus party), that my Dad with a lot of energy is picking gorgeous apples from tiny apple trees, that my sister is still thinking about her trip to US and enjoys all the good memories, and that from all the different trips all my friends are back in town. My boys are back in school. The man who I love the most reading right now is something very important to him. Mums blooming by my window and strong wind dancing in the pine trees. Is that a blessing, or what?
I am still waiting for the Indian summer. I just need to get a hold of that beautiful color palette before the rainy winter...
Roslyn. Theater. Autumn.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Kazy! Ei, Kazy!
Kol dar kalendoriaus lapas nepersivertė į balandžio mėnesį reikia atiduoti duoklę lietuviškam kovui. Būtent kovo pradžioje, kaip ir kasmet, Lietuva buvo pražydusi verbomis, nes mėnesio trečioji diena-Kaziuko mugė. Kai dar buvau visai vaikas, tėvai kasmet mus su sese veždavosi į Vilnių būtent į šią mugę. Kovas Lietuvoje- šaltas ir drėgnas mėnuo. Mugė vykdavo didžiulėje turgaus aikštėje. Nepavaikščiojus nei poros valandų kojos būdavo peršlapusios, rankos sugrubusios nuo šalčio net mūvint šilčiausias pirštines, nosis ir žandukai-speigo ir drėgmės nužnaibyti. Tačiau kokia laimė matyti tas upes įvairiausių verbų, derėtis dėl keramikos dirbinių, glostyti ranka iš tikros vyšnios išskobtą šaukštą, girdėti studentų šūkavimus, kviečiančius pirkti pačias gražiausias namų gamybos žvakes. Studijų metais į mugę atbildėdavom su dailiokais. Čia mano draugai jau pardavinėjo ir savo pirmuosius tapybos darbus.
Taigi ir mano duoklė besibaigiančiam kovui- džiovintų augalėlių verbos. Kazy! Ei, Kazy! Atsisuk ir pažiūrėk!
Before the calendar reads April, I want to give tribute to a traditional Lithuanian March. At this time of year Lithuania is blooming with floral displays, awaiting the Kaziuko mugė on the 3rd of March. I recall, from when I was a child, being brought to this particular flea market event year after year. The market is set up in the middle of a town square, regardless of weather conditions. Early spring is a wet and chilly season in Vilnius, meaning that it didn't take a lot of merchandise browsing before your feet were soaked, nose and cheeks were red from the brisk breeze, and your fingertips cold and numb even though you're wearing thick wool gloves. But oh is it worth it! There are rows upon rows of various homemade ceramics, flower arrangements-verbos, masterful wood carvings, decorative and practical tools, and even cheeses, meats, bread, and all sorts of delicious edibles. I remember hearing the voices of students, loudly advertising the beautiful candles they made, I remember holding a spoon carved out of plum wood, I even remembering bargaining for ceramic kitchenware! Years later I would come to this event with fellow art students, some of whom used this opportunity to sell some of their first artwork.
My tributes to the ending month of March - are my dry flower arrangements-verba. Kazy! Hey, Kazy! Turn around and look!
Taigi ir mano duoklė besibaigiančiam kovui- džiovintų augalėlių verbos. Kazy! Ei, Kazy! Atsisuk ir pažiūrėk!
Before the calendar reads April, I want to give tribute to a traditional Lithuanian March. At this time of year Lithuania is blooming with floral displays, awaiting the Kaziuko mugė on the 3rd of March. I recall, from when I was a child, being brought to this particular flea market event year after year. The market is set up in the middle of a town square, regardless of weather conditions. Early spring is a wet and chilly season in Vilnius, meaning that it didn't take a lot of merchandise browsing before your feet were soaked, nose and cheeks were red from the brisk breeze, and your fingertips cold and numb even though you're wearing thick wool gloves. But oh is it worth it! There are rows upon rows of various homemade ceramics, flower arrangements-verbos, masterful wood carvings, decorative and practical tools, and even cheeses, meats, bread, and all sorts of delicious edibles. I remember hearing the voices of students, loudly advertising the beautiful candles they made, I remember holding a spoon carved out of plum wood, I even remembering bargaining for ceramic kitchenware! Years later I would come to this event with fellow art students, some of whom used this opportunity to sell some of their first artwork.
My tributes to the ending month of March - are my dry flower arrangements-verba. Kazy! Hey, Kazy! Turn around and look!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Kitos akys/Another pair of eyes
Mažame Edmonds miestelyje, kuklioje galerijoje, visą mėnesį apie save ir mane pasakoja ten eksponuojami džiovintų gėlių atvirukai ir koliažai. Kai imu galvoti, kodėl gi menininkui būtina laikas nuo laiko pateikti savo kūrinius plačiosioms masėms, atsakymas ateina ne iš karto. Mano darbų kūrimas- labai ilgas procesas. Jis prasidėjo kažkada seniai, kai dar per sesės petį žiūrėjau į galybes iš mažų vokelių išimtų džiovintų gėlyčių, smilgelių, samanėlių...Labai jau magėjo švelniai pūstelti ir pamatyti nuostabaus grožio džiovintų lapelių debesėlį. Tačiau žinojau, kad tuomet tai jau man geruoju nesibaigs... Ir susilaikydavau. Pati nepastebėjau, kaip ėmiau sekti sesės pėdomis. Net šiurpu darosi prisiminus, kiek gerų knygų liko apgadinta, nes knyginis popierius labai jau tiko džiovinamoms gėlytėms "paspausti". Vienas mano atvirukų bruožas mane ypač žavi-tai skirtingais metų laikas augančių ir žydinčių augalų susiėjimas vienon vieton. Kai pavasarinė snieguolė priglunda prie po šalnos paraudonavusio vijoklio lapo mane net šiurpuliukai nupurto. Lyg įvyktų kažkas neįvykdomo. Lyg stebūklas. Lyg naujas gimimas. Gal todėl dauguma kompozicijų tokios netikėtos kitoms akims.
Dažnai nereikia nei komentarų, ar pagyrimo žodžių. Užtenka pamatyti tą žvilgsnį. Žvilgsnį, kuris paskatina kurti toliau. Ačiū Kitoms Akims!
Inside a cozy and welcoming gallery in the quiet town of Edmonds, dried flower cards and collages tell stories about themselves and their creator. When I ask myself why an artist sometimes has the need to show their work to the world, I can’t think of an answer. The creation of my artwork is a long process. It all started many years ago, when I looked over my sister’s shoulder in awe, at the numerous folders filled with dried petals, fronds, leaves, mosses, and other various dried flora. I remember how badly I used to want to blow at the piles of dried petals to watch them burst into clouds of color before settling everywhere. This would, of course, never end well for me, so I refrained. Before I even realized it, I was picking, drying, and sorting my own little assortment of flora. Sometimes it almost bothers me to think about how many countless book pages I have worn down because I chose to “press” my flowers between them. One aspect of my dried flower art continues to stand out to me, the fact that I can gather plants in different seasons and regions, and then bring them together into one collective artistic expression. Seeing a springtime snowdrop snuggled up to a healthy, bright red vine leaf, gets me so excited! It’s almost like I’ve stumbled upon unheard of combinations, like I’m doing something that has never been done before, a new perspective. Maybe that’s what gives my work a unique edge.
It’s not the comments or the feedback I get that keeps me crafting. It’s the expressions my work instills on peoples’ faces. It’s the look they get. The look, that encourages me to create. Thank you viewer!
Dažnai nereikia nei komentarų, ar pagyrimo žodžių. Užtenka pamatyti tą žvilgsnį. Žvilgsnį, kuris paskatina kurti toliau. Ačiū Kitoms Akims!
Inside a cozy and welcoming gallery in the quiet town of Edmonds, dried flower cards and collages tell stories about themselves and their creator. When I ask myself why an artist sometimes has the need to show their work to the world, I can’t think of an answer. The creation of my artwork is a long process. It all started many years ago, when I looked over my sister’s shoulder in awe, at the numerous folders filled with dried petals, fronds, leaves, mosses, and other various dried flora. I remember how badly I used to want to blow at the piles of dried petals to watch them burst into clouds of color before settling everywhere. This would, of course, never end well for me, so I refrained. Before I even realized it, I was picking, drying, and sorting my own little assortment of flora. Sometimes it almost bothers me to think about how many countless book pages I have worn down because I chose to “press” my flowers between them. One aspect of my dried flower art continues to stand out to me, the fact that I can gather plants in different seasons and regions, and then bring them together into one collective artistic expression. Seeing a springtime snowdrop snuggled up to a healthy, bright red vine leaf, gets me so excited! It’s almost like I’ve stumbled upon unheard of combinations, like I’m doing something that has never been done before, a new perspective. Maybe that’s what gives my work a unique edge.
It’s not the comments or the feedback I get that keeps me crafting. It’s the expressions my work instills on peoples’ faces. It’s the look they get. The look, that encourages me to create. Thank you viewer!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Verbos gimimas/How Verba (dry flower arrangement on the stick) was born
Pradžių pradžia. Auga klevas. Pavasaris. Pirmi lapeliai "išsprogsta". Ateina Nomeda ir tyliai atsiprašydama juos nuraško. Auga paprastasis putinas. Pavasaris. Tarp žalių lapų krūmas krauna nepaprasto baltumo žiedų burbulus. Ateina Nomeda ir tyliai atsiprašydama juos nuraško. Pavasaris. Į saulę stiebiasi pienė. Ateina Nomeda. Pienės galvikė į vieną pusę, kotelis- į džiovinimo knygas. Asiūkliui irgi panašiai nutiko. Tuomet viskas sugula į sunkias knygas ir...suminga.
Prieš pradžią. Laikas žadinti miegančius augalus. Sudėti į vokus. Įsivaizduoti kas gi iš jų turėtų gimti.
Pradžia. Švarus stalas, vokai su "žaliava", adatai prilygstantis įrankis klijams "pakabinti", peiliukas, pieštukas, liniuotė, popieriaus lakštas. Dar reikia geros muzikos ir "Gevalia" kavos puoduko. Viskas. Dabar galima auginti. Auginti verbą.
Before the beginning. A maple grows. Springtime. The first leaves bursting into life. Here comes Nomeda, quietly apologizing as she plucks them. Nearby, a snowbowl hidrangea grows. Springtime. Amongst the green leaves, the bush develops unusually white, bubble-like petals. Nomeda walks by, quietly apologizing as she plucks them. Springtime. A dandelion reaches for the sun. Nomeda approaches. The flower onto one page, the stem, another – books are filled for drying. The horsetail plant met the same fate. Hidden among the countless pages of heavy books, all the flowers fall sleep.
Pre-beginning. Time to wake the sleeping flora. Sort them into envelopes. It’s time to imagine the possibilities.
The beginning. A clean table, envelopes with various flowers, a needle-like utensil to apply glue, a sharp blade, a pencil, a ruler, and a sheet of paper. All I need now is some music and a cup of “Gevalia” coffee. It’s time to grow. Time to nurture ‘verbos.’*
*Verbos – Dry flower arrangement on a stick common in Lithuanian spring celebration.
Prieš pradžią. Laikas žadinti miegančius augalus. Sudėti į vokus. Įsivaizduoti kas gi iš jų turėtų gimti.
Pradžia. Švarus stalas, vokai su "žaliava", adatai prilygstantis įrankis klijams "pakabinti", peiliukas, pieštukas, liniuotė, popieriaus lakštas. Dar reikia geros muzikos ir "Gevalia" kavos puoduko. Viskas. Dabar galima auginti. Auginti verbą.
Before the beginning. A maple grows. Springtime. The first leaves bursting into life. Here comes Nomeda, quietly apologizing as she plucks them. Nearby, a snowbowl hidrangea grows. Springtime. Amongst the green leaves, the bush develops unusually white, bubble-like petals. Nomeda walks by, quietly apologizing as she plucks them. Springtime. A dandelion reaches for the sun. Nomeda approaches. The flower onto one page, the stem, another – books are filled for drying. The horsetail plant met the same fate. Hidden among the countless pages of heavy books, all the flowers fall sleep.
Pre-beginning. Time to wake the sleeping flora. Sort them into envelopes. It’s time to imagine the possibilities.
The beginning. A clean table, envelopes with various flowers, a needle-like utensil to apply glue, a sharp blade, a pencil, a ruler, and a sheet of paper. All I need now is some music and a cup of “Gevalia” coffee. It’s time to grow. Time to nurture ‘verbos.’*
*Verbos – Dry flower arrangement on a stick common in Lithuanian spring celebration.
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