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Brendu į pievą.../I'm wading into the meadow...
Brendu į pievą... O čia tiek augimo, žydėjimo, brendimo, siūbavimo, kvepėjimo, dalinimosi, byrėjimo. Užburia. Įkvepia. Pastūmėja. Priverčia įsiklausyti. Leidžia užsimiršti. Sveikas, žmogau, užklydęs į mano pievą...
I’m wading into the meadow....what growth, blooming, ripening, swaying, breathing, sharing, and spin offs to be found! It enchants. It inspires. It pushes you forward, forces you to listen, allows you to forget. Greetings, to you, who stumbled upon my meadow....
I’m wading into the meadow....what growth, blooming, ripening, swaying, breathing, sharing, and spin offs to be found! It enchants. It inspires. It pushes you forward, forces you to listen, allows you to forget. Greetings, to you, who stumbled upon my meadow....
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Monday, December 2, 2013
Boružės sapnas/ Ladybug dream
Ji sapnuoja spalvą. Nuostabią, kaip jos sparneliai. Laiminga boružė...
She dreams about color. Bright red. Like her little wings. Happy ladybug...
She dreams about color. Bright red. Like her little wings. Happy ladybug...
Monday, November 11, 2013
Viskas. Jau išvežė rudenį/That's it. Fall was taken away...
Jau kaip ir vidurys lapkričio. Praėjo Visi Šventi. Ir nors ateinančių švenčių šurmulys žada kažką mielo ir paslaptingo, vis tik taip suspaudžia širdį suvokus, kad šito rudens jau nebebus. Jį išvežė...
It is middle of November. All Saint Day is in the past. Although the holiday season's coming promises beauty and mystery, it still hurts to realize that this fall is over. It has been taken away...
It is middle of November. All Saint Day is in the past. Although the holiday season's coming promises beauty and mystery, it still hurts to realize that this fall is over. It has been taken away...
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Gera pasiilgti/ It's great to miss...
Baigėsi vasara. Atėjo laikas grįžti namo-į savas pievas, kurios pilnos brendimo ir paskutinio žydėjimo. Čia gražu. Čia užvaldo jausmas, kad pasiilgau. Pasiilgau rudens. Aplamai manau, jog žmogui pasiilgti yra labai svarbu. Pasiilgti draugų, pasiilgti vakaro dviese, pasiilgti tikrai geros knygos rankose, pasiilgti gyvos muzikos, pasiilgti įdomaus pokalbio, pasiilgti nuraudusio šermukšnio kekės...Sveikas, ruduo. Aš tavęs pasiilgau. Gerai, kad atėjai. Pabūkim dviese...
Summer is over. It's time to go back to my meadows, which are full of puberty and final flowering. It's so beautiful here and I'm overwhelmed by the feeling that I missed all that for long time. I miss autumn. In general, I think that for every human being it's very important to feel that you miss something or someone-good friend, evening just for two, good book, life music, interesting conversation, rowan bunches...Hello Autumn. I missed you. Great that you came. Let's stay together for awhile. Just two of us... Darbas, kurio pasiilgstu. Auguste Rodin "I Am Beautiful"
The sculpture which one I would like to see again and again .I Am Beautiful, by Auguste Rodin
Summer is over. It's time to go back to my meadows, which are full of puberty and final flowering. It's so beautiful here and I'm overwhelmed by the feeling that I missed all that for long time. I miss autumn. In general, I think that for every human being it's very important to feel that you miss something or someone-good friend, evening just for two, good book, life music, interesting conversation, rowan bunches...Hello Autumn. I missed you. Great that you came. Let's stay together for awhile. Just two of us... Darbas, kurio pasiilgstu. Auguste Rodin "I Am Beautiful"
The sculpture which one I would like to see again and again .I Am Beautiful, by Auguste Rodin
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Violetinė žinia/ Purple message
Balandis visuomet asocijuojasi su spalvų dryksniais. Gėlyne, po langu, jie mėlynai violetiniai ir įvairiausių žalių atspalvių. Tie mažyčiai spalvų lopinėliai nuteikia neįtikėtinai mąslingai...Gal todėl, kad violetinė spalva kartu laikoma ir liturgine? Rodos, savyje ji turinti net garsinę išraišką, esanti mistiškiausia ir sudėtingiausia. Nuo juodos žemės ją skiria stabilumo suteikianti ir energija trykštanti žalia lapija. Puikus derinys.
April, in my perspective, is associated with splashes of color. In my flower garden, below the window, they are blue-violet and a variety of green shades. Those small color bundles present a calming tone. Probably because the common purple color combination is liturgical? It seems as though it even has a musical expression, and a mystical and complicated color symphony. From the black soil the green foliage scatters: presenting stability and the energy fountain within the stems and leaves. The perfect combination.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Langas/The Window
Tas žiūrėjimas pro langą... Laukimas pražydėsiančių pirmųju gėlikių. Negalėjimas atitraukti akių nuo virpinančio sparneliais kolibrio. Šešėlio slinkimas žole. Kasdien vis ilgėjantys žirginėlių pirštai. Dar vis miegantis japoniskas klevas. Pravažiuojantys automobiliai. Praeinantys žmonės. Ir vėl tyla... Pro savo langą matau kaip ateina pavasris su gniūžte žaliausių samanų...
I'm watching through the window...Looking forward for the first blooms. The humming bird is drinking sweet nectar. The shadow moves on the grass. Every day the hazelnut tree catkins lengthen. Japanese maples still sleep. Passing cars. Transient people. And again silence ... Through my window I can see how spring is coming, and gently holding the wisp of the greenest moss ...
I'm watching through the window...Looking forward for the first blooms. The humming bird is drinking sweet nectar. The shadow moves on the grass. Every day the hazelnut tree catkins lengthen. Japanese maples still sleep. Passing cars. Transient people. And again silence ... Through my window I can see how spring is coming, and gently holding the wisp of the greenest moss ...
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Pavasariui išvylioti/Calling for spring
Pavasariui išvylioti reikia kažko nepakartojamo, unikalaus, skambančio, kvepiančio, džiuginančio, žadančio. Imk, pavasari, tai mano verbos Tau...
To ask Spring to come faster you need something unique, ringing, fragrant, cheering and promising. Spring, my Verba wait for you ... They wait...
To ask Spring to come faster you need something unique, ringing, fragrant, cheering and promising. Spring, my Verba wait for you ... They wait...
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Ex Libris
Prieš gerus 25 metus, su grafika teko susidurti dailininko Edmundo Saladžiaus klasėje. Ir nuo tada atspaudo stebūklas sužavėjo visam laikui. Susikurti savą knygos nuosavybės ženklą -Ex Libris- norėjosi jau seniai. Visa eilė bandymų nukeliavo šiukšliadėžėn, o šį raižinėlį lyg ir pavyko prisijaukinti. Nemenka mūsų biblioteka jau seniai laukė šio ženklo. Ex Libris pirmiausia savo poziciją "patikrino" mano mylimo autoriaus Laimono Tapino knygoje "Prarasto laiko nebūna". Taigi šiandien mano namuose- ilgai lauktos knygų krikštynos. Dovana kiekvienai iš jų-Ex Libris.
I was introduced to graphic techniques 25 years ago in my graphic-teacher's (Edmondas Saladzius) class in Kaunas' Art College. I fell in love with it. Really. To create Ex Libris was my long time dream. For those who don't know : Ex Libris is a Latin phrase, meaning literally, "from the books." It is a graphical mark, often used to indicate ownership of a book, as in "from the books of..." or from the library of... Quite a few attempts in the making of my first Ex Libris failed, but that is the natural process. The last I made, The Owl, will stay. I love it. My first Ex Libris was glued inside the book "Lost Times Don't Exist" by my favorite writer Laimonas Tapinas. So today, after many years, has come my library's book baptism. A gift for each, the Ex Libris.
I was introduced to graphic techniques 25 years ago in my graphic-teacher's (Edmondas Saladzius) class in Kaunas' Art College. I fell in love with it. Really. To create Ex Libris was my long time dream. For those who don't know : Ex Libris is a Latin phrase, meaning literally, "from the books." It is a graphical mark, often used to indicate ownership of a book, as in "from the books of..." or from the library of... Quite a few attempts in the making of my first Ex Libris failed, but that is the natural process. The last I made, The Owl, will stay. I love it. My first Ex Libris was glued inside the book "Lost Times Don't Exist" by my favorite writer Laimonas Tapinas. So today, after many years, has come my library's book baptism. A gift for each, the Ex Libris.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Atradimas/ Discovery
Šilko menas mane žavėjo seniai. Spalvos gilumo ir pačios medžiagos lengvumo sintezė yra tiesiog užimanti kvapą. Pabandžiau. Ir vėl pasitvirtino sena taisyklė-reikia tik norėti, daryti ir tikėti...
I was interested in painting on silk from long ago. Depth of color and the ease of silk comes together as a breathtaking couple. I gave it a try. Everyone knows the life ideal, you just need to want it, do it and believe... It really works.
I was interested in painting on silk from long ago. Depth of color and the ease of silk comes together as a breathtaking couple. I gave it a try. Everyone knows the life ideal, you just need to want it, do it and believe... It really works.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Senelio paltuko sužydėjimas/ Grandpa's blooming coat
Kiekvieno augalo forma, tai ištisa istorija. Ir šie sudžiūvę lapai man primena vieną rūbą, kurį nešiojau studentaudama. O istorija labai paprasta. Padėvėtų rūbų parduotuvėje nusipirkau geros vilnos, anglišką, su meile dėvėtą vyrišką paltą. Kadangi buvau gal 18-likos o gal 19-likos, man visi sakė, kad tas "senelio paltukas" tiesiog sužydi, kai juo vilki jauna mergina. Tikra teisybė. Taip ir šie rudai žali lapai, primenantys senelio paltuką, gavo galimybę dar kartą sužydėti.
Every time I look at different forms of plants I imagine a new story. And these dry leaves brings me a story as well. They remind about one outfit I wore when I was a student. The story is very simple. I have had bought a good quality, made in England, worn with love old grandpa's coat. I was 18 or 19 at that time. All my friends commented, that the old grandpa's coat was blooming when a young girl was wearing it. And it was true. And now all these green-brown old leaves have a chance to bloom again. Just like my old grandpa's coat.
Every time I look at different forms of plants I imagine a new story. And these dry leaves brings me a story as well. They remind about one outfit I wore when I was a student. The story is very simple. I have had bought a good quality, made in England, worn with love old grandpa's coat. I was 18 or 19 at that time. All my friends commented, that the old grandpa's coat was blooming when a young girl was wearing it. And it was true. And now all these green-brown old leaves have a chance to bloom again. Just like my old grandpa's coat.
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